Artist Statement

I find inspiration in nature. I am moved by the small things; the dance of light and shadow when a breeze stirs trees, the momentary visit of a hummingbird, the last rays of a spectacular sunset. I am motivated by the materials with which I work. Whether it is clay, cement, wax, or paint, the exploration of the medium becomes the impetus for creativity. Since 2005 I have painted oil over gold, silver, and other metallic leaf on canvas. The luminous and reflective qualities of the metals elicit experiments in light, movement, and space.

My process has evolved. After preparing a tightly-stretched portrait canvas to a smooth finish and applying the metallic leaf, I paint consecutive semi-transparent layers of oil and varnish over the metals. The result is a luminous richness and depth. Ambient light is reflected through these layers of paint and varnish, revealing different nuances in color and hue in different light and from different angles.